In the first term of 10th grade ICT, I built a solid foundation in news and knowledge of various aspects of information and communication technology. I learned the basics of computer systems, networking, programming languages and data management. We also discovered the importance of digital literacy, cyber security and ethical considerations in a digital world. This class provided me with the essential skills and understanding to interact and use technology effectively. story_fbid=pfbid0MxYPFQYWyWkhGzYuirNNP49G5taUAGbhkE8T6o2bSj491GNyhBLUNQXY6uTgRXESl&id=100001339710636&mibextid=9R9pXO Although the first term of ICT classes was educational, it also presented some challenges. One of the main challenges I faced was understanding complex programming concepts and putting them into practice. Understanding algorithms, thinking logically and debu...